There’s no other practice you could start that would benefit your life more than reading Scripture. Join us as we navigate through God's Word TOGETHER. Let us become women who keep each other accountable and fall deeply in love with His Living Word.
We are excited about our new series, "Joy In The Gospel" as we dive into the book of Philippians chapter by chapter, verse by verse! Join us every third Thursday in our online community for our 8-week study as we learn about the true Gospel message and study themes such as grace, righteousness, holiness, sanctification, justification, and more!
Questions to ask about the book?
1. Who is the author?
2. When was this book written?
3. What do we know about the author?
4. Who was the audience and what were their concerns?
5. What was the author’s purpose in writing the book?
6. What happens immediately before and after this section?
Questions to ask about each passage.
1. What is the genre of the passage or the book in which the passage is found? (Genre can include: narratives, poetry, parables, prophecy, letters (epistles), proverbs, apocalyptic, etc)
2. Who is speaking
3.Who is being spoken to?
4.What questions does this text want to ask?
5. What are the significant words used in the passage?
6. How does it reveal more about Jesus and His coming Kingdom?
7. How does it relate to God’s overall plan of salvation?
8. Affect my relationship with God?
9. What am I to believe?” and “What am I to do?” now that I have studied this passage? Do I need to repent from old ways of thinking and acting?
10. How can I share what I have learned with others in a way that draws attention to Christ and builds them up?
Bible: We recommend word-for-word translations such as KJV, ESV, or NKJV
Recommended: Gospel Transformation Bible
Journal & Pen (Don't have one? Order your WMW Journal here)
Recommended Books:
Women In the Word - Jen Wilkin *Highly Recommended*
Becoming God’s True Woman - Nancy Leigh Demoss
12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You - Tony Reinke
None Like Him - Jen Wilkin
Don’t Waste Your Life - John Piper
Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel - Nancy Leigh Demoss
Lies Women Believe - Nancy Leigh Demoss
Glory in the Ordinary - Courtney Reissig
Recovering Biblical Manhood/Womanhood - John Piper
Let me Be A Woman - Elisabeth Elliott
Follow Me - David Platt
Counter Culture - David Platt
Radical - David Platt
Explicit Gospel - Matt Chandler
1. Doctrine of Scripture. (Bibliology)
2. The Doctrine of God.
God the Father. (Theology Proper)
God the Son. (Christology)
God the Holy Spirit. (Pneumatology)
3. The Doctrine of Man (Anthropology)
4. The Doctrine of Salvation. (Soteriology)
Separation / Sin (Hamartiology)
5. The Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology)
6. The Doctrine of Last Things (Eschatology)
The Rapture of the Church
The Tribulation Period
The Second Coming and The Millennial Reign
The Judgment of the Lost
Examine passages in light of other scripture. Solid churches and ministries are built on solid hermeneutics and exegesis (properly drawing out the meaning of text, rather than inserting our OWN ideas and opinions into the text).⠀
Get a better understanding of terms by studying and researching the original languages that the text was originally written in (ie. Greek & Hebrew). ⠀Utilize websites such as Logos or BlueLetterBible to assist you in your language studies.
Pay attention to the small numbers and letters next to certain words in Scripture that are meant to point you to other scriptures related to the text.⠀
Reference other commentaries and other sound, godly, biblical teachers/scholars to help you understand the text.
Apply the truth you have learned. You have not fully interpreted the text until you DO what it says.
"Doctrine is not known unless doctrine is practiced."
Bible Gateway
The Gospel Coalition
Got questions
Desiring God
Streetlights Bible
Blue Letter Bible
Anthropology – the study of what the Bible has to say about humanity.
Arminianism – the belief that man has the ability to do good or that God’s choice of salvation is based on man’s choice.
Biblical Theology – the study of Scripture from the perspective of the biblical authors. Traces patterns i.e. Judgment, salvation, sin, and atonement throughout the Bible.
Bibliology – the biblical teaching concerning the word of God.
Canon of Scripture – the collection of 66 books as they are situated in the Christian Bible.
Christology – the study of what the Bible has to say about the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Communicable – the attributes that are communicated from God to humanity.
Gospel – the good news about what God has accomplished through Jesus Christ for the sinner in order to provide the only way possible for them to escape His judgment.
Ecclesiology – the study of what the Bible teaches about the origin and nature of the church.
Eisegesis – the corrupt practice of putting foreign meaning into the biblical text.
Eschatology – the study of what the Bible teaches about the end times or the last things.
Exegesis – the critical interpretation of Scripture where the meaning of the text is drawn out of the text.
Expiation: God removes our sin and guilt
Harmartiology – what the Bible teaches about sin.
Hermeneutics – the art and science of biblical interpretation.
Historical Theology – what the church has formulated about God down through the years.
Hypostatic Union – The union which two natures constitute one person.
Impeccability – the teaching that says Jesus Christ lacks the ability to sin.
Incommunicable – that which is not communicated from God to humanity.
Inerrancy – the teaching that tells the church that the Bible has no errors.
Inspiration – the teaching that says the words of Scripture were “breathed out” by God.
Infallibility – the teaching that tells the church that the Bible is incapable of leading us into error.
Kingdom – the literal and physical location or realm over which the King rules.
Ontology – the biblical teaching on the existence of things or persons that are.
Pneumatology – the study of what the Bible has to say about the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Propitiation: God satisfies His wrath
Reconciliation: God makes His enemies friends
Redemption: God pays the price of our pardon
Resurrection: God makes dead people raise to life.
Regeneration: God give us a heart that loves him.
Soteriology – the biblical teaching on how God accomplished the salvation of sinners.
Systematic Theology – God’s self-revelation set forth in a total and complete picture.
Theology – the study and presentation of truths about God.
Tribulation - a time of unprecedented judgment on the earth with the primary purpose of turning Israel back to their Messiah.
Trinity – a term used to help explain the fact that God exists as one God in three distinct persons, each possessing all of the same attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and immutability.